
               In this article I will explain how we can make crud operation in ASP.Net MVC. In this article we will use data base first approach and perform crud operation using entity framework. I hope you like this article and get some information from it.


CRUD Operation In ASP.NET MVC - Yogeshkumar Hadiya

Step 1

Open visual studio. Here I use Visual Studio 2019, you can use any one as your system.

Step 2

Create new project by click on File>New>Project.

CRUD Operation In ASP.NET MVC - Yogeshkumar Hadiya

Step 3

Select Asp.Net Web Application and click on next button.

CRUD Operation In ASP.NET MVC - Yogeshkumar Hadiya

Step 4

In next screen you need to enter few details like your project name, project location where you want to save your project, solution name and .Net Framework version. After enter all details click on Create button.

CRUD Operation In ASP.NET MVC - Yogeshkumar Hadiya

Step 5

In Next select MVC project and click on Create button.


CRUD Operation In ASP.NET MVC - Yogeshkumar Hadiya

Now your project is ready you can see project structure in below image. Here I delete all view from home controller because we create new for our requirement.

CRUD Operation In ASP.NET MVC - Yogeshkumar Hadiya

Step 6

Now in this project we will use database first approach so we need to create a database and a table. Here I create Database name with Tutorials and table Employee with following columns as you can see in below image.

CRUD Operation In ASP.NET MVC - Yogeshkumar Hadiya

Step 7

Now we need to add Entity Framework in our project for perform some operation. For add Entity Framework click on project name in solution explore then click on Manage NuGet Packages.

CRUD Operation In ASP.NET MVC - Yogeshkumar Hadiya

Step 8

Now you see a windows with many NuGet Packages search  for Entity framework and click on install button after few second Entity Framework install in your project.


CRUD Operation In ASP.NET MVC - Yogeshkumar Hadiya

Step 9

Now we need to add ADO.Net Entity Data Model in our project for add ADO.Net Entity Data Model click on your project name then click on Add and then click on new Item or you can use short cut key Ctrl+Shift+A .


Step 10

Now you see a popup window select ADO.Net Entity Data Model, give appropriate name and click on add button.


CRUD Operation In ASP.NET MVC - Yogeshkumar Hadiya

Note : There is a change that in visual studio 2019 you cannot see ADO.Net Entity Data Model option for add ADO.Net Entity Data Model this in visual studio open visual studio install , select modify option by click on more button. Now you see a new window click on Individual Component tab search for Entity Framework tool then select it and click on modify button.

CRUD Operation In ASP.NET MVC - Yogeshkumar Hadiya

Now it start downloading. If your visual studio is open then save all files because it will close visual studio before install updates.


Step 11

After adding ADO.Net Entity Data Model you will see a popup windows select EF Designer From database and click on next button.

CRUD Operation In ASP.NET MVC - Yogeshkumar Hadiya

Step 12

Now select your database from drop down and give connection string name, DbContext file also create as same as this name, click on Next button.

CRUD Operation In ASP.NET MVC - Yogeshkumar Hadiya

Step 13

Select tables which you want to add in project, here I have only one table so I select that, gave Model Namespace name and Click on finish button.


CRUD Operation In ASP.NET MVC - Yogeshkumar Hadiya

Now Entity Framework create edmx file in your project as you see in below image.

CRUD Operation In ASP.NET MVC - Yogeshkumar Hadiya

Step 14

Now delete all method from your controller and add index method as show in below code.

Step 15

Now add view by right click in method then click on Add View you will see a new popup window with following options. And then click on Add button.

CRUD Operation In ASP.NET MVC - Yogeshkumar Hadiya

  • View Name: Name of your Cs Html file
  • Template: There are many templates which give pre define design like list, create, edit, delete, details select list for index method
  • Model Class: Select you model class which we generate in previous step.
  • Data Context Class: Select you data context class, here I have TutorialCS which name we gave in previous step.
  • Use Layout Page: if you check this item compiler add layout file from _Shared folder in this view. you can select different layout file if you have more than one .


Now Compiler generate view for list modifier design if you want. Design file code is below.


Step 16

Now we create a view for add new record. Here we need to create two Action method one is get method and second is post method. Get method called when we click on create button and return view. Post method use for save data in table.

Code Explanation

  • In post method we pass Employee class as a parameter as model name which get all data from user.
  • Then we add that  model in TutoriaCS using _context object which we create top of controller.
  • SaveChanges() method use for save all changes which we make in entity like add, delete, update etc.


For Add view for create right click in method click on add view and select template Create.


CRUD Operation In ASP.NET MVC - Yogeshkumar Hadiya

Here is the design of Create View

You can see output of create below.

CRUD Operation In ASP.NET MVC - Yogeshkumar Hadiya

Step 17 

Now we will implement Edit functionality. For edit we also create two method get and post type. Get type method get data from database by record it and pass in view. Post method save updated data in database. Code for both method is below.


Code Explanation

  • In get type method we get an id as a parameter using that is we get first record from database and initialize in data variable then return that variable in view
  • In post type method we get Employee type model as a parameter we get record from database with EmployeeId which comes with parameter.
  • If record found in database with that id then we initialize coming data in database data.
  • And save changes using SaveChanges Method. And return to index method using RedirectToAction method. 

Step 18

Now we need to add view for edit for add view right click in Edit method click on Add View and select Edit Template all other option same as index.


CRUD Operation In ASP.NET MVC - Yogeshkumar Hadiya

Code of View for Edit is below.



CRUD Operation In ASP.NET MVC - Yogeshkumar Hadiya

Step 19

Now we create view for view employee data. So create Action method detail with parameter id . Using this is we get data from database and pass in view. Add view by right click in method and select template Details.

CRUD Operation In ASP.NET MVC - Yogeshkumar Hadiya

Here is the desig of detail view


CRUD Operation In ASP.NET MVC - Yogeshkumar Hadiya

Step 20

Now we create Action Method for delete which take id as n parameter.

Code Explanation

  • Here first we get data by id from database.
  • Remove that entity which we get from database
  • Save changes using SaveChanges() method
  • And redirect to Index method.



CRUD Operation In ASP.NET MVC - Yogeshkumar Hadiya

Here are the whole controller code.




I hope you like this article and get some information. If you found this article help full share with your friends. Thank You.